Before Sunrise

Sun, Jun 16 at 2:00PM

Main Auditorium - Wheelchair Accessible

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Thirty years ago one of cinema's most well-rendered and long-smoldering love stories began its first chapter. On a train ride to Budapest, Jesse and Celine (Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy) strike-up a conversation that would continue with each other, and with moviegoers, for decades to come. They disembark in Vienna where they have a single day together (June 16th, 1994) to explore their connection.

Unencumbered by familiarity of people or place, and living in an era without the existentially-isolating distraction of smartphones, they are able to focus the full force of their swooning chemistry on one another as they fast-track the "getting to know you" without knowing if they'll be able to see each other again.

Join us on June 16th (the day BEFORE SUNRISE) to celebrate Richard Linklater's ode to the sparks that fly when young love is allowed space to live in the moment.

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